Lima Bean Casserole
Always a popular dish at our potlucks, we highly recommend it!
Lima 4 cups of raw jumbo lima beans
6 large grated tomatoes
1 Spanish onion
1/2 bunch of Italian parsley
At least 3 cloves of garlic
1 cup of olive oil
Salt (Herbamare sea salt) and pepper to taste.
Soak beans over night then add to 4 litres of boiling water. Boil for at least 45 minutes or until ready (they should be soft). Remove the water.
Grate tomatoes in a food processor with the grating blade or cut them up into fine pieces. Drain off half of the liquid. Chop the onion, garlic and parsley together and add in the tomatoes and lima beans. Add salt and pepper to taste.
Bake in the oven at 3500F for up to 2 hours. (Check after 1.5 hours).
Why eat Lima Beans:
Lima beans have a cooling nature to them and are beneficial to the lungs, the liver, and they help to beautify the skin. They are also extremely alkalizing which means they neutralize the acidity that often arises from excessive meat and refined food consumption. The protein from lima beans can help regulate sugar, water and other aspects of metabolism, as well as promote balanced sexual activity and proper growth and development of the body, including the brain.